18 Responses

  1. I want to express my immense gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Ahmed for his honesty, respect, and genuine dealings with us. From the moment we decided to apply for our son’s admission to Debrecen University, he provided us with all the necessary information and never hesitated to share his time and knowledge. He treated us as if we were his own family, without expecting any financial gain.
    Words cannot fully capture the extent of his kindness and integrity. In a time where corruption is rampant, Dr. Ahmed stands out as a person of utmost purity and righteousness. We are truly fortunate to have him in our lives.
    Thank you, Dr. Ahmed, for everything you have done for us. We are grateful beyond measure for your presence and support.

  2. I am the father of a physiotherapy student who passed year one at Debrecen University and moved to year two. I met Dr. Ahmed Ezzat by a zoom meeting followed by many different ways of communication led to a successful enrollment for my son to the college
    During the educational year I got all the support from Dr. Ahmed when you need him you find a welcome smile and quick response. My son feels at ease when contacting him and he always send us reminders about the future steps for our sons
    He is really a great support

  3. am the father of a physiotherapy student who passed year one at Debrecen University and moved to year two. I met Dr. Ahmed Ezzat by a zoom meeting followed by many different ways of communication led to a successful enrollment for my son to the college
    During the educational year I got all the support from Dr. Ahmed when you need him you find a welcome smile and quick response. My son feels at ease when contacting him and he always send us reminders about the future steps for our sons
    He is really a great support

  4. We had a very successful experience with Dr.Ahmed. He provided us with all the support and clarifications we required to apply for Debrecen University. After the acceptance, he extended his professional support and guided us to obtain the visa, arrange an accommodation and other arrangements related to the arrival at debrecen.

  5. As a mother and father of our son who attends the University of Debrecen, in the faculty of medicine, we would like to thank Dr.Ahmed Ezzat for helping us in everything, starting from the entrance exam, the papers that were needed for the Hungarian embassy, until our son’s arrival to Hungary. He did multiple zoom meetings for all parents to understand how to apply to the University of Debrecen, how to apply for the Hugarian Visa and all the papers that are needed. For any inquiry he was ready to answer with great pleasure and ready to provide help at any time. We really appreciate his hard work and cooperation.

  6. We have been guided and monitored by Dr. Ahmed Eazzat since we thought about applying to the university. He managed to guide us during the whole applying process to the university and then after acceptance he kept on answering all our questions and assisting with all steps. Dr. Ahmed Ezzat is really a great asset to this university. We were really lucky to have him assisting us. We will be joining this year 2023/2024 and we hope that all team will be in same level.

  7. It was pleasure being part of the group for study in Hungary and guided by Dr Ahmed Ezzat who was and still very helpful and supportive by answering all questions and guide us through step by step using different channels and different ways to get us there . He was attending and still attending to answer everyone although it is reparative but he was so patient and professional to meet all requirements from all levels.

  8. I really appreciate Dr. Ahmed’s efforts and guidance throughout this long journey of choosing the perfect university for my daughter. He has been there for all our inquiries and doubts and has answered everything via WhatsApp and zoom meetings. Dr Ahmed has also helped us prepare for the entrance exam and provided us with the needed materials. It was a perfect experience and choice to continue with him and I would recommend him for anyone who is looking for universities.

  9. As a mother I offer you my sincere thanks and appreciation for the assistance that you provided to my daughter Leena Hassanain to obtain the opportunity to get the first year in the Faculty of Medicine, despite all the difficulties that you faced with us in the steps, you never hesitated to give us all the necessary information and advice without expecting anything in return. Thank you so much

  10. As a mother I offer you my sincere thanks and appreciation for the assistance that you provided to my daughter Leena Hassanain to obtain the opportunity to get the first year in the Faculty of Medicine, despite all the difficulties that you faced with us in the steps, you never hesitated to give us all the necessary information and advice without expecting anything in return. Thank you so much

  11. I offer you my sincere thanks and appreciation for the assistance that you provided to my daughter Leena Hassanain to obtain the opportunity to get the first year in the Faculty of Medicine, despite all the difficulties that you faced with us in the steps, you never hesitated to give us all the necessary information and advice without expecting anything in return. Thank you so much

  12. فعلا هذه فرصة عظيمة لاشكر دكتور احمد وزوجته المحترمة دكتور مي لجهودهم اكثر من الرائع مع ابني على وجه الخاص ومع كل الطلاب والتي لا يقدر ولايثمن بالشكر فقط .
    دكتور احمد وزوجته دكتور مي ليسوا فقط داعمين للطلاب من ناحية القبول والاستقرارفي البلد المغترب وانما دائما مستعدين لاجابة كل الاسئلة مع الحلول وتقديم الدعم المعنوي للطالب والاهل بنفس الوقت. ولهذا انصح بان لاتتردوا بالالتحقاء بجامعة دبرتسن عن طريق دكتور احمد ابدا لان هو الشخص المناسب في مكان المناسب ولانزكى على الله احدا ان شاءالله
    اشكركم شكر الجزيل وكلمة الشكر فعلا قليلة بحقكم ولهذا اقول الله يجزيكم كل الخير وفي ميزان حسناتكم واتمنى لكم التوفيق الدائم.

  13. I really appreciate and extending my gratitude to dr.Ahmad who was and still with us in our journey for strating university studies for my daughter.He never hesitate to help or guide us in any step ,giving positive and valuables advices from registering to entrance exam, till this moment which is waiting for receiving the visa,I really thank him so much and will sure recommend him for everyone looking for a chance like this

  14. السلام عليكم دكتور احمد عزت
    أود أن اشكرك من كل قلبي على كل ما قدمته
    وتقدمه لأبنائنا لكنني لا أعرف كيف تستطيع ارضاء كل هذا العدد من الطلاب مع اهاليهم بدون ان يتذمر احد؟ وفققك الله

  15. سلام عليكم د احمد ربنا يبارك ف حضرتك والله الكلام لايوفي حق حضرتك ومجهودك مع كريم ابني ربنا يبارك فيك ويجعل تعبك معانا في ميزان حسناتك

  16. Iam the father of the applicant Omar Mohamed Swelam. In fact no words can express my gratitude to Dr Ahmed Ezzat for his sincere guidance since we started the journey of application starting from his good presentation to the university and how promising the future of our sons would be with Debrecen university then through all the steps of application and all the details given by him responding at any time of the day. I must thank him for his patience and support who gave us the confidence in the university and the better future for our sons.

  17. As a mother I offer my appreciation and thanks to Dr.Ahmed Ezat for his assistance to my son,he never hesitate to guide us from the beginning in all steps from the registration to entrance exam as he provided us with the materials,and he kept on answering all our questions .He is very helpful and supportive. I would like to thank him so much.

  18. As per my my experience with doctor Ahmad, all I can say is, he is great person, didn’t save an effort to help my daughter, and one of the main reason that comfort of to send her to study abroad. Really appreciated.

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